2024 has flown by! It feels crazy how fast this year has passed. As our family has reflected on this last year, we are so extremely thankful to all those who have partnered with us over the years. We truly could not have done this without your prayers and those who have given it to us. We are so excited to see what God has in store for 2025!

December was a bit crazy, but what month isn’t it at that point? We flew to Alabama on the 17th to spend two and a half weeks in Alabama with my family. During that time, we had Logan dedicated to the church I was dedicated to and spent time with my parents, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and friends. It was such a blessed time. There was some stress with my grandma spending most of my trip in the hospital, but I was so thankful we were there to also be with my family during that time. Two days after we came back to Guatemala, we left for the beach with Jay’s family! It was fun to have some time away with family. Now we are back and are packing up our house to move to a new one. We are so thankful to have found this house. It is beautiful and offers a lot more space, which is great because we are hosting an intern in mid-February and one of Jay’s brothers is moving in with us for a bit. All of this is why this update is coming so late… and to be honest, February might as well. But I am so thankful for this move!

If you feel led to partner with us, you can do so through prayer (request below) and/or financial support. We are still praying for more supporters monthly. You can donate through
Our website—Jaykelsie.com
Venmo: kelsie-wester
PayPal: kgwester@gmail.com
Prayer Request
-That the move goes without any hiccups.
-That we are able to get the house ready before the move. We have to set up water for the sink, etc.
– Financial monthly supporters so we are closer to our goal.
Thank you to everyone who takes time to read these and pray for us!
The Fulp Family