How is it already December ? It feels like this year has flown by. November has been spent in a lot of prayer and numerous doctor’s appointments for Logan. She is very small for her age and can’t seem to gain weight quickly enough. After visits to a gastroenterologist, nutritionist, geneticist, and pediatrician, we have found nothing to explain the reason for this. Our health center in town is very upset about her weight and doesn’t seem to trust that we are managing all her care privately, so they are demanding that we visit them every two weeks for them to tell us that she is still too small.

This has weighed heavily on me, and we don’t really have next steps. This has honestly taken up most of our month with driving to the city for appointments.
Jay had his usual vehicle work, so between doctor’s visits, you could find him in the bodega.
We had a fun first Thanksgiving with Logan and family. We are so blessed to be heading to the States next week to spend Christmas with my family.
We could really use your prayers for answers regarding Logan, peace for me, and provision for us. Between being underfunded, having less than usual monthly income, and all of these specialists , we are at an all – time low. We know God provides and trust that He will, but we can’t deny that the stress and worry are very much present . Basically , we could really use your prayers during this time.

Thank you all so much for your support throughout this year. We could not be more blessed with the village God has given us.

If you feel led to give, you can through
Venmo- kelsie-wester